Types of Bread in the World

Around the world bread is a staple in almost every single diet. Throughout history bread has been recognized as an important part of society’s survival. There have been wars started over the land on which the grains grow that are used to make the breads of a country or region.

Breads come in many forms, they can contain leavening or not. Bread can be grilled, baked, boiled, and fried. They can be loaf shaped, flat, square, round, long and shaped like a wreath. They all have some sort of grain or flour in their ingredients; it can be ground chickpeas as in Roti, corn as in Tortillas, dark rye as in Pumpernickel or wheat as in Baguettes.

Breads are consumed with every meal of the day, not to mention for snacks. For breakfast we may think of Bagels, Croissants, Biscuits, Muffins, or Scones. Lunches may contain sandwiches made with Ciabatta, Pita, Cuban, Pumpernickel or Rye. For our supper we commonly see baskets containing Rolls, Bread Sticks, Focaccia, or Naan. We also eat bread for snacks such as pretzels that come in both soft and hard varieties and it maybe a slice of fruit or vegetable breads like zucchini, banana or cranberry.

Here are some more of the world’s breads:

This travel across the world of breads leaves the reader hungry and ready for a snack.